Do you have these questions about Abdominal Vacuum??? Feel weird or not right to execute it?
⚠️IMPORTANT: It’s not everyone who can do the Abdominal Vacuum, but it’s doesn’t mean they won’t get results of the LPF HYPOPRESSIVES
☝️Remember I said that abdominal Vacuum is only 20-30% of the method! So don’t despair if you are one of those people who should NOT perform the Vacuum.
🤰🏻Pregnant – You can NOT do the vacuum (visceral aspiration) during pregnancy!!! Only the postures and arm movements that will help to improve posture, decrease back pain, sense of well being, decrease anxiety, among other numerous benefits.
👍Abdominal Hernia – You can do it with postural guidelines! Cannot do Vacuum without alignment.
👍Umbilical hernia – You can do like any other type of hernia (inguinal, disc…)
👍I’m on my period – you can do the vacuum. You will only skip your training day if you have cramps and feel uncomfortable to train.
👎Glaucoma : Must NOT do the abdominal vacuum. Well, glaucoma is usually caused by a change in eye pressure. Apnea and breathing blockage can also raise eye pressure, which is not interesting for someone with glaucoma.
👍I’m overweight – you can do Abdominal vacuum. The only difference is that you won’t see the ribs as well, but the important thing is to perform the breathing correctly, “seeing the ribs” is more related to the percentage of fat of the person who is practicing than to being right or wrong.
⚠️I just had my COIL inserted :
You must wait 30 days after placement to start your workouts. After that no restrictions.
⚠️High pressure – When controlled you can perform the vacuum, but always with the help of a licensed in the technique
Now tell me in the comments, Can you or CAN you NOT do the abdominal vacuum?
#lowpressurefitness #hypopressives
#diastasisrecti #diastasisrectiexercises
#pelvicfloor #postpartum #postnatal
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Do you know what is Endometriosis? Do you know how to release some symptoms?
💛Today’s post, in addition to a lot of information, also brings some of my experience. .💔I was diagnosed with Endometriosis when I was just 18 years